Family Reunion is a hilarious and suspenseful comedy about the chaotic yet lovable dynamics of a polygamous family during the festive season. Charles a man with three vibrant wives and two mischievous kids—Officer Woos and Phyna.
Every Christmas, the family gathers for laughter, love, and plenty of drama. But this year, things take a dark and unexpected turn when visitors meet their untimely demise on their property.
Now, the entire family is caught in a whirlwind of accusations, secrets, and shocking revelations as they scramble to uncover the truth behind the mysterious deaths. Will they find the culprit, or will this Christmas go down as the wildest family reunion ever?
Find out more. Starring Kidbaby, Officer Woos, Charles Inojie, Phyna, RomeoWJ and many others.
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Stars: Officer Woos, Charles Inojie, Phyna
File Size: 1.72 GB
Duration: 2 Hours +