Inside Life follows the lives of several characters. Ade, a struggling medical student who is on the verge of losing the only family member he has left, Itohan, who murdered her stepfather to protect her sister from getting raped, Gift, who in the process of making ends meet, lands in a situation, and Chizoba, who is filled with so much evil, accumulated from her past. Their lives are connected by a series of unfortunate events that spiral out of control, causing them all to meet at an unlikely place.
Country: Nigeria
Language: Yoruba, English
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Stars: Gabriel Afolayan, Tomisin Ayoade, Valerie Dish, Ndah Gift Eno, Scarlet Gomez, Emem Isaac, Miracle Justin, Abimbola Kazeem, Jide Kosoko, Princess Obuseh
Total Episodes: 6
Status: complete
Subtitle: English