Mc Erepi, a renowned Bayelsan comedian, and Obote Ayahh, a skilled photographer, have achieved a significant milestone by graduating from Federal University Otuoke. Their accomplishment is a testament to their hard work and dedication to their crafts.
Mc Erepi has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry with his unique brand of comedy, entertaining audiences across the country. Obote Ayahh has also made a mark in the field of photography, capturing stunning images that tell stories.
Their graduation ceremony was a moment of pride for their families, friends, and fans. When asked about their achievement, Mc Erepi said, “This is a dream come true. I’m grateful for the opportunity to pursue my passion and make a difference in the world.” Obote Ayahh added, “I’m thrilled to have completed this chapter of my life. I’m excited to see where my photography takes me next.”
Congratulations to Mc Erepi and Obote Ayahh on their graduation! We wish them continued success in their future endeavors.
See Photos Below;